Collect Rent arrears
Are your tenants’ rent arrears mounting up? Debt collection is the ideal way to get your tenant to pay. The goal is still the same. To ensure that you receive what you are entitled to. However, at Fincasso we try to minimize the extra costs for your tenant to keep the threshold for payment as low as possible.
Have you already asked several times to pay the rent? If so, be sure to seek collection in good time. The sooner you take action, the smaller the chance of difficulties thereafter.
How does rent collection work?
••• We start
As soon as we received your claim. Quick action is important in rent collection. Therefore, we quickly put your tenant in default.
••• Every tenant is different
We use an approach that, within reason, takes into account the specific circumstances of each tenant. In this way, we retain optimum willingness to pay!
••• We will contact your tenant
Initially, this will be done by means of a registered letter of formal notice, and subsequently by e-mail, letter or telephone. Have we received your claim today? Then we will make the first contact within 2 working days.
••• We follow up on the case
Consistent and punctual. We always keep you informed of relevant progress.
••• Is your tenant not answering?
Then we will start legal proceedings.
••• We track everything for you
From the moment you receive your claim to the moment you receive your rent.
Is rent collection necessary?
Yes. Collecting rent by direct debit has many advantages.
You give a clear signal to your tenant. You call in a third party. By reacting quickly, you usually prevent an accumulation of arrears. An early rent collection usually involves few extra costs. For you, but also for your tenant.
Systemic overdue payments
Does your tenant permanently stop paying? If so, this causes a lot of problems. Because your property is not worth anything. On the contrary. You still have various costs that you have to pay. The possible solutions for receiving your rent also cost money. And you get nothing in return.
When such a situation arises, you have to act fast. You have given enough chances to your tenant. The next step is to evict your tenant. At Fincasso, we work with highly professional lawyers and bailiffs who have years of experience in this branch of the law. We do this so that we can give you the assurance you need to collect your rent. But also, in some situations, to evict your tenant by force.
What documents do we need?
••• The lease with your tenant
••• The rent deposit
••• The exact amount of overdue rent
Are the arrears built up historically or with partial payments? If so, please provide the complete history from the first moment of default!