Privacy & cookie
Privacy policy Fincasso

FINCASSO with company number BE0768 506 254, located at Antwerp is responsible for the processing of personal data as shown in this Privacy Statement.

Contact details:
Van Putlei 9, 2018 Antwerpen
Tel: +32 (0)80082133

Fincasso values your privacy regarding personal details. It therefore wishes to treat the personal details collected in a secure and confidential manner. This privacy policy describes what personal data is processed, on what basis it is processed, why it is processed and what the rights of those concerned are. Finally, it informs which security measures are taken in order to protect the personal data of those involved.


What is personal data and what is processing?


De Verordening Algemene Gegevensbescherming definieert een persoonsgegeven als volgt:
“personal data’ means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.”

Processing is defined as follows:
“Processing’ means any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.”

Where this privacy policy refers to “personal data” and “processing”, reference is made to these definitions in the Regulation.


Who are the processors of personal data?



‘Processor’ means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which processes personal data on behalf of the controller;

Fincasso uses processors when this is necessary for proper business management. To ensure the security of personal data Fincasso concludes a processing agreement with all its processors.


Which personal data is being processed?


Fincasso processes your personal data because of its legal obligations, because you use our services, because you have provided us with the data yourself and/or because Fincasso receives the data from its clients.

The data we process are the following:

  • – First name and surname;
  • – Date and place of birth;
  • – Address;
  • – Telephone number;
  • – E-mail address;
  • – Other personal data that you actively provide;
  • – Bank account number.

What are the purposes of the processing?


Personal data may be processed for customer and supplier administration and the collection of invoices. Such data are processed by Fincasso to comply with legal obligations and for the execution of the agreements.

Customer administration
By concluding the agreement Fincasso will deliver services to the client and transfer invoices. Hereby Fincasso has to take into account both legal and contractual obligations.

Supplier administration
By concluding the agreement Fincasso expects the supplier to perform. In order to maintain a good overview of its suppliers and to be able to assess the quality of the services/products delivered, Fincasso may need to process certain personal data. In doing so, Fincasso must take into account both legal and contractual obligations.

Debt collection
Since Fincasso’s activity consists of collecting invoices from clients from their debtors, Fincasso will also process personal data of these debtors. Fincasso tries to process as few personal details as possible, but it must do so taking into account its legal and contractual obligations. Debtors will always be informed of this data processing.


What is the legal basis for the processing?


All processing of the personal data listed in Article 4 is carried out on a legal basis.

The personal data of the data subjects shall be processed:

  • either in fulfilment of legal obligations: because of laws, regulations and instructions at regional, federal and international level;
  • or in order to execute the agreement;
  • or to satisfy Fincasso’s legitimate interest in keep a correct administration;
  • or on the basis of the explicit permission of the person concerned.


What is the legal basis for the processing?


Only employees of Fincasso have access to the aforementioned personal data.


How long are personal data stored?


The personal data of the persons concerned are stored and processed for a period that is legal or necessary in view of the purposes.

The personal data of the data subjects will be removed from the systems after a period of 10 years after the execution of the agreement.

In any event the personal data of those involved will be stored in accordance with the specific legislation that obliges Fincasso to keep the personal data for a longer period.


What are the rights of the data subject?


1. Right of access and consultation
The data subject has the right to know his/her personal data and the use that Fincasso makes of it.

2. Right to correction, erasure and restriction
The data subject has the right at all times to ask Fincasso to rectify or complete his personal details. The party concerned may also request that the processing of his/her personal details be restricted if possible.

3. Right of objection
The data subject also has the right to object to the processing of their personal data for justified and legitimate reasons

4. Right to data portability
The data subject shall have the right to receive the personal data concerning him or her, which he or she has provided to Fincasso, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and have the right to transmit those data to another controller.

5. Right to withdrawal of consent
The data subject shall have the right to withdraw his or her consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. Prior to giving consent, the data subject shall be informed thereof. It shall be as easy to withdraw as to give consent.

6. Automated individual decision-making, including profiling
This right does not apply within Fincasso. The processing of your personal data does not include profiling, nor will the data subjects be subject to automated decisions by Fincasso.

7. Exercise of rights
The data subject may exercise his/her rights by contacting the responsible for data management who will examine your request.

Cookie policy


This website uses cookies that we manage on our own behalf (proprietary cookies) as well as cookies managed or set by third parties (third party cookies) to provide an optimal user experience and to upgrade our website. We will only use cookies with your consent. You can find out more about our cookies, why we use them and how to delete them in this policy.


What is a cookie?


A cookie is a small file containing a certain amount of data. Our website will send the data to your browser. It can then be stored on your computer’s hard drive and accessed by our web server. This cookie data can then be retrieved and can enable us to customise our web pages and services accordingly. Cookie files contain unique codes which, for example, allow your browser to recognise you when you visit our website and thus improve your user experience.

Cookies are only stored on your hard drive with your consent. We do not require permission for cookies that are used strictly for functional purposes. In this case, no personal data is processed.

Certain cookies will be stored on your computer if you do not delete the cookie function. Other cookies are automatically deleted when you leave the website.

As cookies are also personal data, this cookie policy should be read in conjunction with our privacy policy. The processing of personal data is subject to the European Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, as well as to the Law of 30 July 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data.


Why does this website use cookies?


There are various types of cookies, distinguished according to their functionality, origin and/or retention period. Cookies are used to improve and optimise the use and functionality of the website, to analyse the use of the website and our services and to provide a more targeted user experience. We use cookies to improve subsequent visits and to meet your requirements. The data we collect using cookies helps us to understand our customers. In this way we can improve our website without transferring data to another person or identifying a person.


What cookies does this website use?


Functional cookies:


Niet-functionele cookies:


Disabling and deleting cookies


Thanks to cookies, advertisements and functionalities are tailored to your needs. If you delete the cookies, the website, user name, password, language preferences, etc. will not be remembered.

With all common internet browsers you can check or indicate which cookies you allow by selecting the settings or options.

Through the links below you will find all the necessary explanations on how to do this.

  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer
  • Opera
  • Apple Safari

If you have given Fincasso permission to use non-functional cookies, you can change this setting at any time and the cookies will be removed. You can do this by clicking on the link below:


By disabling cookies, certain parts of the website may not work optimally and certain functionalities and services may not be used.

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